Native American Places to Visit

Northwest Territories Nations

The aboriginal peoples of the Northwest Territories include the Metis, the Inuit, the Cree, the Chipewyan, the Yellow Knife, the Slave, the Dogrib, the Hare and the Kaska.

Acho Dene Koe
Fort Liard
General delivery, Fort Liard
Northwest Territories
Canada X0G 0A0
(403) 770-4141
Fax: (403) 770-4144

Aklavik First Nation
P O Box 118
Northwest Territories
Canada X0E 0A0
(403) 978-2029
Fax: (403) 978-2937

Dene Cultural Institute
P.O. Box 570
Hay River
Northwest Territories
Canada X0E 0R0
Fax: 403-874-3867

Dene Nation
P.O. Box 2338
Northwest Territories
Canada X1A 2P7
(403) 873-4081

K'Atl'Odeeche First Nation
Post Office Box 3060
Hay River
North West Territories
X0E 1G4
Phone: (867) 874-6701
Fax: (867) 874-3229

Metis Association of the Northwest Territories
P.O. Box 1375
Northwest Territories
Canada XOE 1H0
(403) 873-3505

NWT Metis-Dene Development Fund (NWTMDDF)
P.O. Box 1805
2nd Floor, 5125-50th Street
Yellowknife NWT
X1A 2P4
Toll Free: 1.888.554.MDDF (6333)
Fax: 867.873.3492

Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre
P.O. Box 1320, Yellowknife
Canada, NT X1A 2L9
Phone: (867) 873-7551
Fax: (867) 873-0205


American Indian College Fund

Tribal Enrollment Process

Trace Indian Ancestry